PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Event agenda

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

09:00 - 09:40

(Block Track) The current practice, and promise, of DLT in ISSUANCE

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Technology
  • Digital/digitalised assets
  • The Block Track

5 speakers

Current trends in investor services

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody

6 speakers

Is faster better? Understanding T+1

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • The human element
  • Regulation

Now that the US is on T+1, and the UK is preparing for it, Europe has to decide what to do. What are the important considerations? Why is enthusiasm so muted? What is the route ahead?

1 speaker

Post-trade regulation – the COMPLETE overview (Wednesday edition)

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Regulation

DORA, CSDR, EMIR, SRD II, WHT FASTER, CSRD, SFDR, MiFID … Us post-trade folks love our reg acronyms so let’s go into what they mean for you. J.P. Morgan’s Alex Dockx (Wed) and Citi’s Marcello Topa (Thu), will each present their own takes, so join both!

1 speaker

Hosted by

Meeting block

09:00 - 17:00

  • The meeting balcony (floor 5, overlooking Main expo hall)

Meeting duration:30 minute time slots

10:00 - 10:40

(Block Track) The current practice, and promise, of DLT in ASSET SERVICING

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology
  • Digital/digitalised assets
  • The Block Track

5 speakers

Enter the fintechs. An overview of what they offer in post trade and who backs them

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Technology
  • Digital/digitalised assets

1 speaker

Fireside chat: Securities class actions in focus

Location:Room C4, Level 2

In this session, learn about the evolution of securities litigation, hear analysis of regional cases, and understand the challenges facing institutional investors looking to maximise recovery opportunities.

2 speakers

Hosted by


Stockholm, Sweden

What’s up next in the European Commission’s campaign for settlement discipline

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Regulation

Two proposals within the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) refit has garnered much controversy: progressive penalties and mandatory buy-ins (MBIs). Get an overview of the progress of the CSDR and the MBI debate, straight from the source.

1 speaker

10:00 - 11:00

Official opening: The forces shaping operations through 2025 and beyond

Location:Main Congress Hall (A1, level 4)
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets

Let’s grasp the full picture. Join this senior panel to take the top view on the changes rolling in – and how financial institutions should leverage them to their advantage.

4 speakers

11:00 - 11:40

Bringing the issuer perspective

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation

2 speakers

Modernizing core systems – heart surgery with low success rate or is there a reliable path?

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Sourcing and procurement

3 speakers

Hosted by

The TARGET Services – what’s up and what’s next

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation

1 speaker

11:05 - 11:45

The future of securities services (with ISSA)

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets

ISSA has closely investigated the ten drivers that are forming your securities services of tomorrow. Its experts are set to share the outcome with you in Stockholm this Wednesday morning.

3 speakers

12:00 - 12:40

A long-term view on emerging markets assets

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Sourcing and procurement

1 speaker

Hear it from the players: the EQUITIES clearing market panel

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Clearing

Seeking what’s on in the equities clearing market of the Nordic countries – and Europe? These senior representatives from SIX, LSEG and Cboe Clear should leave you with a clear impression of the competitive game out there.

4 speakers

Optimising your operating model for resiliency and scalability

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

Technology has the potential to transform our operations. Yet, it can also be the gateway through which vulnerable systems are exposed to cyber risks. In this session, experts from BNY Mellon share how to harness technology while avoiding its pitfalls.

2 speakers

Hosted by

Private Markets to Retail

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement

1 speaker

12:00 - 13:00

Unifying the EU’s market for financial market infrastructures – the when, who, and how

Location:Main Congress Hall (A1, level 4)
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Regulation

The EU is envisioning its Capital Markets Union but so far, financial markets infrastructures have largely remained domestic businesses organised per member state, under scarce competition. What changes are we up for?

6 speakers

13:00 - 13:40

Intraday liquidity management, part 1: The sell-side themes

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Collateral and liquidity

The key to achieving intraday, real-time liquidity might lie in new tools, such as DLT-based payment solutions and intraday repo marketplaces that make instant PvP settlement – even with currency exchange – possible.

5 speakers

On the network manager’s agenda for 2025 – Wednesday edition

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Regulation

5 speakers

Sweden’s approach to T2S

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Regulation

Race, pace or laze? The June decision by Riksbanken, on whether to start applying the pan-European settlement platform T2S, will guide the development but how will stakeholders across infrastructures and markets navigate the coming years?

5 speakers

The operational gains from AI, data, and cloud use cases in a private assets post-trade ecosystem

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Technology

AI, data, and cloud technology offer many possibilities in post-trade operations. But what are some of the appropriate use cases and best practices that should be considered for realising their full potential in the private asset sector?

3 speakers

Hosted by

14:00 - 14:40

Get in the driver’s seat: Orchestrate in-house and external tax relief services

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement

1 speaker

Redefining Post Trade Operations, in an era of digital change

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

1 speaker

Technology development at the CSDs, and what’s in it for participants

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Technology

5 speakers

The fintechs, the global custodians, and their cooperation-competition balance

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets

4 speakers

14:00 - 15:00

The CCP market game – at strategic level

Location:Main Congress Hall (A1, level 4)
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement

What are the strategies that can be deployed to answer some of the biggest questions facing Europe's clearing landscape today? Get into the minds of some of the industry's most senior leaders for strategic perspectives to excel at the CCP market game.

7 speakers

15:00 - 15:40

All-in-one or pick-and-mix? Nailing the future-proof IT architecture at the asset manager

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Sourcing and procurement

3 speakers

Our industry’s state of new-technology implementations, as 2025 approaches

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Sourcing and procurement

6 speakers

Suitability: From regulatory challenges to the latest trends

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Regulation
  • Digital/digitalised assets

1 speaker

Hosted by

The prospects of T+1 for the UK and EU

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Regulation

Could the UK go first into T+1 or would the market prefer coordination with the EU? And indeed, when will we be ready for it at all? Three months into the American T+1 outcome, let’s meet up to take the temperature on Europe’s attitudes and circumstances.

4 speakers

16:00 - 16:40

How America’s T+1 has turned out for Europe’s firms – and what’s still to fix

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • The human element

With $3bn freed up at the NSCC, America’s move looks successful. But how have our European firms done, and how should we operate going forward? Meet these absolute top seniors representing banks and custodians as well as CSDs.

5 speakers

On the industry movers’ minds – a conversation with ISSA Board members

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology

ISSA’s illustrous Board ensures that the association focuses on the big topics of the day, with a balance of custodians, CSDs/ICSDs and technology firms that enables it to shape the industry’s future. Come and meet them!

5 speakers

Products and partnerships – the Nordic differentiators

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

2 speakers

16:00 - 17:00

Hear it from the players: the DERIVATIVES clearing market panel

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity

Seeking what’s on in Europe’s derivatives clearing market? These representatives of the six top clearinghouses have it covered.

7 speakers

16:45 - 18:45

Everybody, let’s mingle! (Wednesday edition)

Location:Main expo hall (M1, Level 4)

Come and digest the first conference day with a drink!

Thursday, 5 September 2024

09:00 - 09:40

All safe? The latest and what’s next in CCP recovery and resolution

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Regulation

6 speakers

How markets should adopt ISO 20022 in securities services

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Technology

Implemented, but not fully adopted across the industry – that's the current state of ISO 20022. This panel examines the common barriers to the implementation of the new standard, how adoption can be encouraged, and best practices for migration.

4 speakers

Post-trade regulation – the COMPLETE overview (Thursday edition)

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Regulation

1 speaker

Time for change in the European capital market infrastructure

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Regulation

A growing choir sees the national fragmentation of the EU’s trade settlement and regulatory supervision as an impediment to developing the continent’s financial market. So, how should stakeholders act?

1 speaker

Hosted by

Euronext Securities

Oslo | Copenhagen | Milan | Porto

Meeting block

09:00 - 17:00

  • The meeting balcony (floor 5, overlooking Main expo hall)

Meeting duration:30 minute time slots

10:00 - 10:40

Driving Asset Servicing Automation: The Path to Transformation

Location:Room C1, Level 2

2 speakers

Hosted by


Stockholm, Sweden

Financial crime compliance (with ISSA)

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Regulation

The increased importance and complexity of financial crime controls in the securities industry will be in focus as some of the world’s most central (and engaged) experts take the stage in Stockholm.

3 speakers

New possibilities in collateral management

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

4 speakers

The stock exchanges CEO panel

Location:Main Congress Hall (A1, level 4)

3 speakers

The tools out there to nail the settlements

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement

3 speakers

11:00 - 11:40

(Block Track) Health check on the PAYMENT leg: Ready to carry or still aching?

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Technology
  • Digital/digitalised assets
  • The Block Track

5 speakers

Apples with pears. The challenge and promise of consolidating public and private market data in one operating model

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

2 speakers

Hosted by

Clearing 15 years on from Pittsburgh: Where next?

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation

Join this high-level session for the ultimate global temperature check on clearing in 2024.

5 speakers

Securities services risks (with ISSA)

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Sourcing and procurement

Securities services is risky business, with age-old challenges such as credit, liquidity, and compliance risks now joined by a new threat – cyber security risk. This session explores best practices for managing emerging risks in the sector.

2 speakers

12:00 - 12:40

(Block Track) The current practice, and promise, of DLT in TRADING

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Technology
  • Digital/digitalised assets
  • The Block Track

5 speakers

Emerging asset classes at the clearinghouses – and what clients’ needs are driving the demand

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Sourcing and procurement

2 speakers

In-house versus outsourcing – Striking the perfect balance for the operating model

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Sourcing and procurement

3 speakers

T+1 and the Nordics

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

5 speakers

13:00 - 13:40

Alternative approach to a multi-asset future in the Nordic markets

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement

2 speakers

Hosted by

Northern Trust

Stockholm, Sweden

Digital assets – the path to a regulated playing field

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Regulation

Institutional investors are among those who stay on the sideline until there is stable-enough regulation. So what will it look like, and how do we get there?

2 speakers

ESG derivatives – a look at their use and regulation

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Clearing
  • Collateral and liquidity

2 speakers

Hosted by

On the network manager’s agenda for 2025 – Thursday edition

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Regulation

3 speakers

What’s up in the Nordic CSD scene

Location:Main Congress Hall (A1, level 4)
  • Settlement

Harmonisation; T2S; DLT for wCeBM – the list of pertinent topics in the Nordic CSD scene today is long. In this panel, the people at helm in four Nordic territories discuss their perspectives on the sector’s development in a time of major transformation.

5 speakers

14:00 - 14:40

Faster settlement creates currency conundrum

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

The international nature of US securities trading means market participants cannot afford to ignore the currency exchange implications of faster settlement. Finding the most appropriate solution is far from straightforward. Meet all these stakeholders.

5 speakers

Intraday liquidity management, part 2: The investor-side and corporate view

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement

From the UK gilt crisis of 2022 to the impact of the US’ move to T+1 on European markets, liquidity has been a topic on everyone’s mind in recent years. How can the buy-side be better equipped for liquidity risks? The investors and corporates weigh in.

4 speakers

Operational resilience (with ISSA)

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets

With operational resilience increasingly a focus for regulators, so is the related regulatory burden heavier. The key to handling this without the associated administrative complexities might lie in a consistent methodology that enables process alignment.

2 speakers

The use of advanced technology in the financial industry - opportunities and risks seen from a sustainability perspective

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Technology
  • The human element
  • Sourcing and procurement

4 speakers

15:00 - 15:40

Defending against AI driven cyber attacks

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Technology

1 speaker

FIDA and the Future of Financial Services

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Technology
  • Regulation

The ESG data conundrum for asset managers

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Technology
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement

5 speakers

Unravelling the optimisation conundrum

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology

3 speakers

16:00 - 16:40

(Block Track) Conclusions: The promise of DLT across the links of the post-trade process

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets
  • The Block Track

5 speakers

Dig where you stand! The PostTrade 360° editor’s tips for your content marketing

Location:Room C3, Level 2

Drawing on three decades as a journalist, Alexander Kristofersson shares the beliefs he has developed about effective story telling for business purposes, and how efficient collaboration between the business manager and the writer will support it.

1 speaker

Hosted by

PostTrade 360°

Stockholm, Sweden

16:45 - 18:45

Everybody, let’s mingle! (Thursday edition)

Location:Main expo hall (M1, Level 4)

Done with this landmark conference? Join for a casual round-up! Or set for the dinner party? Then, let this be your warm up!

71 results



Session formats

Session locations

Meeting locations