PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 4 September 2024 | 13:00 - 13:40

Intraday liquidity management, part 1: The sell-side themes

Location:Room C1, Level 2
  • Collateral and liquidity
12 participants

Regulatory scrutiny on liquidity management in financial services firms has been heightened in recent years, but the time might soon come when all involved could lighten up a little. Instant payment-versus-payment (PvP) settlement with currrency exchange is a reality that might not be far off in the horizon, promising transactions with no settlement risk. A few innovative firms are harnessing DLT to  build payment solutions and intraday repo marketplaces that, when used in combination, will make such transactions possible.

This panel asks some pertinent questions: What are some of the new tools for intraday, real-time liquidity management and is an intraday repo market the be-all and end-all for achieving it? Are our current capabilities for margin management good enough? Are we paying enough attention to the cost of liquidity, and will DLT and tokenisation change anything?

Moderator: Olaf Ransome

Is intraday liquidity management your thing? Make sure to also check out the session Part 2: The investor-side and corporate view.

Seek a backgrounder? Read our recent Deep Look article “Banks still hitting the buffers on intraday liquidity management”, featuring five interviewed experts.

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5 speakers

Location image

Session location Room C1, Level 2