Thursday, 5 September 2024 | 12:00 - 12:40
(Block Track) The current practice, and promise, of DLT in TRADING
- Technology
- Digital/digitalised assets
- The Block Track
Despite the buzz surrounding DLT, tokenisation has not taken off as quickly as some in the industry have expected it to. Fingers have been pointed at regulation, at how long it is taking to get up to speed with technological developments, but this is not stopping those with a grasp on the technology from innovating for a much more digitalised future.
Five DLT experts take to the stage in this session to discuss the application of the technology in their respective arenas and geographies. What does the future look like for tokenised money market funds, from Israel to Switzerland? Would DLT and fractionalisation make real estate more broadly available as an asset class? And would atomic trading and settlement have averted some of the crypto fallouts we’ve seen in recent years?
Moderator: Olaf Ransome
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“The block track” offers a series of sessions zooming in on applications of DLT in different parts of the post-trade landscape. We look at today’s reality as well as tomorrow’s possibilities. Each session is standalone, so you can pick your favourite ones. Yet, as a whole, the track offers a unique possibility both for expert post-trade DLT watchers and beginners to get deep and network.
Want to hear more conversations about DLT? Make sure to check out The current practice, and promise of DLT in ISSUANCE and The current practice, and promise of DLT in ASSET MANAGEMENT.
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5 speakers
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