PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 4 September 2024 | 11:00 - 11:40

The TARGET Services – what’s up and what’s next

Location:Room C2, Level 2
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation
26 participants

As Deputy Head of the ECB’s market infrastructure development division, which manages the development of the TARGET Services, George Kalogeropoulos coordinates all efforts around onboarding of new markets and currencies to the services, including the Nordics.

Post-trade components in the TARGET range include TARGET2-Securities (“T2S”) as the pan-European platform for settlement (which Denmark and Finland have boarded but Sweden and Norway haven’t) – and, starting spring 2024, the Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS). Join the session for a consolidated look into the most systemic underpinning of Europe’s securities infrastructure and how it is evolving.

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1 speaker

Location image

Session location Room C2, Level 2