PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Thursday, 5 September 2024 | 09:00 - 09:40

How markets should adopt ISO 20022 in securities services

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Technology
37 participants

Implemented, but not fully adopted across the industry – that's the current state of ISO 20022. This panel examines the common barriers to the implementation of the new standard in securities markets, how adoption can be encouraged, and best practices for migration, based on the findings of the ISO 20022 Working Group set up by the International Securities Services Association (ISSA).

Moderator: Colin Parry

ISSA’s highly active participation with PostTrade 360° Nordic ensures a great opportunity to update yourself on the cutting edge. In addition to_
the list of ISSA-hosted sessions, you’ll find members of its board and working groups across other sessions, too. Not least, this specific session on adopting ISO 20022 in securities services will form a great natural combo with the session on securities services risks.

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4 speakers

Location image

Session location Room C4, Level 2