PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 4 September 2024 | 12:00 - 12:40

Optimising your operating model for resiliency and scalability

Location:Room C4, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
30 participants

With the digital transformation that is currently sweeping through the industry, resilience and scalability are the two words on everyone’s lips. On the one hand, technology can transform, streamline, and scale our operations; on the other hand, it can become the weakest link in the chain, the gateway through which vulnerable systems are exposed to cyber risks. How can organisations harness technology while avoiding its pitfalls? In this session, get an insight into how BNY Mellon manages this balance for its clients.

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Hosted by

2 speakers

  • Steve Taylor

    Head of Product, Data & Analytics

    BNY Mellon

  • Adam Watson

    Global Head Commercial Product- Custody

    BNY Mellon

Location image

Session location Room C4, Level 2