PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

4–5 Sept 2024 | Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 4 September 2024 | 11:05 - 11:45

The future of securities services (with ISSA)

Location:Room C3, Level 2
  • Custody
  • Settlement
  • Collateral and liquidity
  • Technology
  • Regulation
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Digital/digitalised assets
47 participants

ISSA has closely investigated the ten drivers that are forming your securities services of tomorrow. Its experts are set to share the outcome with you in Stockholm this Wednesday morning.

A deep-looking 2020 report by the International Securities Services Association (ISSA) turned the light onto ten forces that are driving the industry’s change – often emanating from the businesses and operations of its clients. Yet its research didn’t stop there so join in for the oven-fresh update. In the report, two sets of forces were singled out as particularly transformative: firstly,
• the shift in investor behaviour towards passive and ESG-driven investments which is driving down the premium paid for active management, and secondly,
• a range of changes in technology and technology-enabled competition – including the possibility of disruption by ‘Big Tech’.

The list also featured …
• financial deepening and globalization,
• increased adoption of new technology,
• increased data and associated use cases,
• emerging new risks,
• increased sourcing and partnerships, and
• uncertain regulation.

So today – or rather, tomorrow – what is it we will face, and how will how is your business positioned for it?

ISSA’s highly active participation with PostTrade 360° Nordic ensures a great opportunity to update yourself on the cutting edge. In addition to the list of ISSA-hosted sessions, you’ll find members of its board and working groups across other sessions, too. Not least, this specific session on the future of securities services will form a great natural combo with the board member conversation session.

3 speakers

Location image

Session location Room C3, Level 2