Eurex stands for the leading European derivatives exchange and – with Eurex Clearing – one of the leading central counterparties globally. We are the architect of market liquidity, efficiency and integrity by providing our customers with innovative solutions to seamlessly manage risk.
On the trading side, we mastermind the most efficient derivatives landscape by pioneering ingenious products and infrastructures as well as by building ‘smart’ into technology – offering a broad range of international benchmark products, operating the most liquid fixed income markets in the world and featuring open and low-cost electronic access.
As central counterparty, Eurex Clearing builds trusted relationships with and amongst market participants, paving their way for efficient risk management via unique clearing models.
Eurex automated and integrated joint Clearing House, Eurex Clearing AG eliminates the individual counterparty risk by offering central counterparty services for instruments traded on the Eurex exchanges, Eurex Repo GmbH and the FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Xetra® and floor).
This way Eurex participants benefit from a high-quality, cost-efficient and comprehensive value chain of trading and clearing services via one single electronic system.
PostTrade 360° sponsorship
Hosted Sessions (2)
Thursday, 5 September 2024
13:00 - 13:40
ESG derivatives – a look at their use and regulation
- Clearing
- Collateral and liquidity
18:30 - 23:59
Dinner – at Eurex’ table
- Dinner
On behalf of your sponsor, welcome to the spectacular dinner party! You are up for a full-evening seated round-table dinner, with entertainment by amazing six-piece Isaac And The Soul Company.