Haroun Boucheta
Head of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff, Securities Services
BNP Paribas
Paris, France
39 profile visitsSpeaker
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BNP Paribas
Speaker sessions (2)
Wednesday, 4 September 2024
15:00 - 15:40
The prospects of T+1 for the UK and EU
Format:In-personLocation:Room C3, Level 2
- Custody
- Settlement
- Clearing
- Regulation
Could the UK go first into T+1 or would the market prefer coordination with the EU? And indeed, when will we be ready for it at all? Three months into the American T+1 outcome, let’s meet up to take the temperature on Europe’s attitudes and circumstances.
Thursday, 5 September 2024
09:00 - 09:40
All safe? The latest and what’s next in CCP recovery and resolution
Format:In-personLocation:Room C1, Level 2
- Clearing
- Collateral and liquidity
- Regulation
Setting the cost-splitting rules for rare but potentially disastrous problems at the clearinghouses is a delicate balance. The discussion is age-old, but could real changes lie ahead? What should clearing members and their market-participant clients know?